Jack Kirby reading 3 Points


The first comic I read for Jack Kirby was the "New Gods." I had never heard about these comics before now. Every page is very bright with color and saturation. It is a Science fiction story about Heros, who call themselves the New Gods since the old gods died off in the last war.  The story focuses on Orion, the main character, and focuses on traveling to the different worlds, trying to save the universe from a second war. Orion, in his actions, feels more like an anti-hero. He is fighting to save the universe, but the way he fights, he seems like he will do anything to get what he needs. The Second piece I looked at was Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four storyboards. I was very interested in how Jack Kirby would show his storyboard work, and His story Boards are just as clear and as detailed as his comic pages.  There was still a lot of movement, and the story was so clear I did not have to read the script to understand what was happening in the storyboards. The story is Wizard, Medusa, and the Sandman teaming up to fight the Fantastic Four. The villains steal from the bank and jewelry to draw the heroes out, and they fight in the middle of the city. I actually enjoyed the storyboards better than the comics without the colors, It was less distracting, and I could better read the story. The third comic I read of his was "Challengers of the Unknown," the characters and story remind me of Star Trek and how they venture into the unknown of space. Four men get into a plane crash and survive. They decided to join together and go on adventures to take risks and explore the unknown. In this specific one, they went on to an island with an older man who likes them to open a box with an egg. The egg hatches, and a Large Red stone man attacks them, and as they stay on the island to do the assortment of tasks, stranger bazaar and dangerous stuff start to happen to them.


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