The Arrival Aren ( 3 points)


                                                           The Arrival by Shaun Tan   

  In the comic book the Arrival By Shaun Tan, it starts the page with a large image of many photos of different people of different ethnicities. After reading the comic, I realized that these were probably the various immigrants who came over to the new city. The images reminded me of old photographs I have seen of actual immigrants coming to the United States by ship. I found it fascinating how the artist Shaun Tan conveyed real emotion in such a fictional and scientific world when the main character is going through becoming a citizen. His expressions of confusion by all the elements around him expressed my feelings as well.  

The audience can relate to the experience of culture shock throughout the comic. There is also fantastic world-building throughout each page without any words; he can convey who the world works on a daily bases.  The cities in the past can feel the sense of danger based on the camera angle and the purpose of fear in the shape of language and values. The focus was more on the dark areas used in the drawing with the sky's dark tentacles.  The way he arranged the values in the new city contrast the old. The focus was on the lighter areas, which gave though sites a more hopeful and opportunistic feeling for those characters. 

When the character has his first interaction with another character, he needs to use drawings to say what he needed. I realize that because there are no words, we are put in the same position not to understand.  We are on the same level as he is on the journey.  Reading this was a very hopeful experience seeing all of these different characters coming out of these hardships. They could live in a promising place together and create a new life and help other people immigrate there. 


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