EC Comics 2 points


I think EC comics dose well when talking about the adult issues while it hits on scary mysteries mixed with science fiction. Tales of the crypt was based more on horror stories. I had heard about this before but did not know it was a comic book.  I understand that after the comic with the Gore and adult concepts were unsettling to many parents. The imagines in the comics are based a bit more on realism and have more gore. I think the more realistic characters helps with the fear factors in the imagery. These comics genuinely stuck out to me with it science mystory and fiction to be a bit more interesting than the Saturday morning cartoon comics. For example, The first story was From Weird Fantasy. I love reading about weird mysteries, so I was curious about the mystery about the abandoned town.  The story was about a man in a town on mars, but the town was abandoned, and he started to panic. The adult Idea of finding someone to be with but put to the extreme of being the last people on earth. He searched each house looking for people and answering phones, but no one was there. When reading the weird Fantasy comics were very interesting.  Throughout the comic, the main character was looking for women, not any woman specifically but women, which made the main character pretty creepy I do not know if that was intentional. The comic also has a dark humor to it where He finally finds a woman name Geniviev on the phone, but it cut out, and he finally meets with her, and she is not what he expected for her to look like and because of this, he leaves her even though they are that last two in the city. The story is framed as a joke, but I felt it was in poor taste as it plays in too. 


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