Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics (4 points)

  Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics 

When looking through the Comic strip book, I noticed that some comic that did confuse me, and some were hard to follow because the pannels were so short to me to understand the story. Those were mainly the ones with slapstick. The comic strips I had enjoyed more was the satirical commentary ones. The comic strips that stuck out to me the most were the Newlyweds and their baby; it about a family that is putting together a dinner party. Their dinner party ( while it is happening) is seen as very impressive.  The food to the guest is very impressive, there is a lot of chatter, and the Host is showing off their newborn. This party and dialogue are all shown within the first panel. Within the next few pannels, It is seen that the guest did not have a good time. After all, they were just acting. They start to compline with each other about the food, the furniture, and even the baby. They soon in the next panels begin to spread rumors of the party being a bust to neighbors who were not there. All the while, in the middle of the panel and in the middle of the page are the two Host glad everyone had enjoyed themselves. I feel how the layout of the page really helped me understand with a limited amount of space and time to tell the story. There is a sense of humor within the comics' whole scenario, the party's favor turning the day immediately right after.  The rumors getting worse out of jealousy as they are told to others who were not even there at the party but with is a bit of dark truth to it as well. 


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