Blog Post 1: The Comic Book History of Comics (3points) Aren

 Aren Agocha 

Comics and Graphic Narrative

September 9 2020 

 (3 points) 

                                            Blog Post 1:  The Comic Book History of Comics

        When reading The comic book History of comics, I was surprised to learn that Hebert Conway Fisher created the famous Horizontal comic strip boxes. I found it Ironic that the horizontal comic strip boxes idea was rejected at first in fear that the audience would not understand the story elements. The Horizontal boxes soon adapted to papers in 1907, along with punctuation marks.  I was also surprised to learn punctuation marks were also created in the 19th century, but it makes sense seeing this was when the printing press had developed ways to separate words and paragraphs. The punctuation helped the horizontal boxes' information read much clearer as they took off later in the comic book industry, and the boxes are still prevalent today. The Comic book industry that many know of today are saturated with all sorts of superheroes.  I was curious about how innovation and the competition between superheroes had started. I was also wondering how many others would differentiate themselves from Superman, one of the first superhero comics. Because of Jack Kirby and his creation of Captain America, it started the ball rolling to tell superheroes in comic books. I had no idea jack Kirby changes his name so he would not get caught by Fox for Legality reasons. I find this quite funny that this is how they got the famous name along with Stan Lee splinting his name in half to get his. With Captain America, the comic was not a one quick note idea like the others (Wonder man and Blue Beatle),  but to have a mixture of designs in America Neo realistic pulp illustration and was placed in real-time what was going on during World War 2.  Captain America would bring the audience to have a Hero to go with it. After this, many more artists took the ideas to their hero's into battle to defeat the axis powers and boost moral. 



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