Archie Comics (2-4points)


Write: Please consider and then write a response to each of these questions about your reading of Archie.

1. Who do you think buys and reads Archie? Why do you think they buy and read it?

probably someone who want to experience the funny hijinks within a small everyday community through the days of an average high schoolboy with characters. People buy the comic to feel good to laugh and to bond with the characters   

2. What in Archie repeats? What characters, situations, ideas, props, themes, or other factors repeat through the various decades of Archie? What ideas or emotions do you think get attached to these repeating aspects of the storytelling? What is important in Archie?


The main character Archie starts off in the first comic as a goofy underdog character who he and his friends get into hijinks in their everyday adventures. Though his persona mature throughout time to more of a jock and his clothes are updated however, he still gets into trouble most of the time and keeps his goofy personality. All four characters are the main focus throughout the years of the comic the reader sees the characters relationships grow and be able to see the same characters and watch them go on adventures. the series of Archie comics still have other stories in the middle of the comic and multiple stories. Most of the characters archetypes stay the same though out the books as well so the audience and continue to relate to the though out generations. 

3. What isn't in Archie? Are all aspects of teenage life in Archie? Does the World of Archie reflect or mirror the world you know? An essential component of observing is noticing what is and what isn't there and considering the implications.

Most of the aspects of teenage life are in Archie. There are not any transitioning frames in the comics. Many of the characters jump from place to place with the same story. the stories are framed less like a conversation between characters sometimes and framed more as a build-up and punchline to a joke. 

4. In a summary sort of way, what in the end do you think Archie is about? What is its meaning in context? Why do you think it is culturally significant? Notice that none of these questions involve whether you like Archie or not. Rather these questions go to what you observe and surmise; what you make of what you see.

Archie is about a boy making his way through high school with the help of his friends. It is about navigating relationships, dating, and having fun while being young. It is culturally significant because it bases itself on the average teenage life. 


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